
Gender Pay Gap Report

This is Aspen Healthcare’s most recent Gender Pay Gap report, as based on the snapshot reporting date of 5th April 2022. Our reportable data is as follows:

  • Women’s hourly rate is 1.8% lower (mean) and 5.4% higher (median) than men’s hourly rate.
  • Top salary quartile has 25% men and 75% women.
  • Upper middle salary quartile has 22% men and 78% women.
  • Lower middle salary quartile has 28% men and 72% women.
  • Lower salary quartile has 25% men and 75% women.
  • 3.5% of men and 2.8% of women received bonus pay.
  • Women’s bonus pay is 37.7% higher (mean) and 37.4% lower (median) than men’s bonus pay.