
Patient Privacy Notice

Confidentiality affects everyone.  Aspen Healthcare Limited collects, stores and uses large amounts of personal data every day, such as medical records, personal records and computerised information.  This data is used by many people in the course of their work.

We take our duty to protect your personal information and confidentiality very seriously and we are committed to taking all reasonable measures to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data for which we are responsible, whether computerised or on paper.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) replaces the Data Protection Act 1998 and requires organisations to process personal data fairly, lawfully and transparently  The methods by which these processes are governed have changed and give greater protection and rights to individuals.

You can read Aspen Healthcare’s Patient Privacy Notice here.

If you would like further information about our Patient Privacy Notice, or about how we collect, store and/or use your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) via email: