
Consultant directory & web profile form

Website Profile

As a new consultant with practicing privileges at an Aspen Healthcare Hospital/Clinic, we would like to include you on our website within the ‘Consultant & Specialist’ pages. Should you wish your details to be included please complete the form below with a photograph – all fields must be completed.

Consultants Directory

We also produce a printed Consultants Directory which is distributed to local GPs, practice managers, physiotherapists and other referrers every two years. If you wish to be included in the next Directory, please also complete the Consultants Directory box on the form in no more than 20 words.

Completing your ‘Specialty’ section

These are linked from your Hospital/Clinics ‘Treatments & Services’ pages. Please ref to your Hospital/Clinics A-Z pages below to select what you would like to be linked to on your profile.

Cancer Centre London Claremont Private Hospital Highgate Hospital Holly Private Hospital
Midland Eye Nova Healthcare Parkside Private Hospital The Edinburgh Clinic

    Title (Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, Miss...)

    First Name


    Photo(max 300kb, portrait 250x315px)

    Languages spoken (other than English)

    Job Title (e.g. Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon)


    Medical Qualifications

    Year of Qualifications

    Main NHS Base

    Professional Memberships

    Clinical Interests (Max 200 characters). Please use keywords only, separating interests with commas.

    Training & Background (Max 350 characters)