
Infection Prevention

Infection prevention and control (IPC) is a key element of our focus on improving patient safety and avoiding harm. There are a number of ways in which we measure and monitor our performance in relation to infection, including incident reporting for all Blood Stream Infections and Clostridium difficile Associated Diarrhoea.

This process includes:

  • assessment of reported incidents
  • investigation of serious incidents
  • specific audits and reviews of practice, such as hand hygiene, clinical environment and sharps safety among others.

We strive constantly to learn from audits and incidents to improve practice and the clinical environment for the safety of our patients, visitors and staff.
The monitoring and reporting of healthcare associated infections to Public Health England and Scotland has been a national priority for many years. Aspen Healthcare participates fully in these processes and published data has demonstrated that we maintain low levels of these infections in comparison to other Independent Sector Organisations and the NHS.

We know that our patients and their families expect our hospitals and all aspects of our clinical services to be safe and clean. We are able to provide confidence and assurance that we are maintaining a strict emphasis on infection prevention and control.
Infection Prevention and Control is a key part of the Aspen Healthcare Quality and Governance Structure with our hospitals and clinics feeding in to the Corporate reporting systems. Oversight is maintained by the Consultant Nurse for Infection Prevention and Control who leads the Group IPC Service and the Director of Infection Prevention and Control who reports to Aspen Healthcare Board.

The table below outlines all hospital acquired infections recorded during the reporting period and does reflect the patient profile at some sites where we are treating immuno-suppressed patient groups and providing cancer treatments.